Fake Duwaraka Decoded: A Tale of Love, Lies, and Financial FraudFake Duwaraka Decoded:

Credible reports received by 'Jaffna Monitor' suggest that the individual allegedly impersonating Duaraka is Mithuja Rajaratnam, who also goes by the aliases Nithya and Suja. She is currently residing in Arbon, Thurgau, Switzerland. This individual is reputed for her extensive history of engaging in deceptive practices. She has reportedly been involved in several fraudulent marriages, employing a tactic commonly referred to as the 'honey trap' method, through which she has illegally obtained significant sums of money.

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Credible reports received by ‘Jaffna Monitor’ suggest that the individual allegedly impersonating Duaraka is Mithuja Rajaratnam, who also goes by the aliases Nithya and Suja. She is currently residing in Arbon, Thurgau, Switzerland. This individual is reputed for her extensive history of engaging in deceptive practices. She has reportedly been involved in several fraudulent marriages, employing a tactic commonly referred to as the ‘honey trap’ method, through which she has illegally obtained significant sums of money. In a notable incident a few years ago, she was accused of fraudulently claiming to be the daughter of Rajarathinam, a distinguished Tamil- American businessman.

In-depth investigations have begun to reveal the breadth of her financial frauds. Central to her strategy has been the exploitation of young individuals through romantically charged relationships, leading to substantial monetary scams. A striking example of her modus operandi was uncovered involving a young man originally from Jaffna, now residing in Melbourne, Australia. The individual, who arrived in Australia by boat and built a life through hard work, encountered her on Facebook. This meeting led him into a deceptive relationship, where under the guise of love, he was defrauded of a significant amount of money. The pretext was the acquisition of Swiss citizenship and a house in Switzerland as part of their marriage plans. The victim has confirmed the transfer of 60,000 Australian dollars to her, providing concrete evidence of the fraudulent transaction.

The ‘Thurgau Impostor’ case is not an isolated incident but part of a pattern of manipulation that has affected numerous individuals. Her ability to weave intricate webs of deceit, capitalizing on the emotional vulnerabilities of her victims, poses serious questions about the security of online interactions and the potential risks involved. As the investigation continues, more layers of this complex network of deception are expected to be unveiled, shedding light on the extensive impact of her actions on the lives of her unsuspecting victims.

Her journey into the world of fraud began with her marriage to a former driver of the LTTE leader, Prabhakaran. Post-war, She and her husband sought refuge in Malaysia via India. It was here that her latent aptitude for scamming surfaced. Utilizing the expansive reach of Facebook, she crafted a series of romantic illusions, ensnaring unsuspecting young men in her fraudulent net. Her matrimonial life was characterized by a succession of marriages, intriguingly linked to individuals close to Prabhakaran, placing her in a strategic position within an intricate network of ex-combatants. In Malaysia, her deceptions took on a new dimension. She claimed to be the neglected daughter of Rajarathinam, a well- known Tamil American businessman, and under this pretext, she defrauded numerous individuals, weaving tales of a legal battle for inheritance and promises of lucrative returns.

Her relocation to Switzerland did not dampen her fraudulent activities. Continuing her operations through Facebook, she exploited sensitive issues such as aiding female combatants, assisting women recovering from military abuse, and rescuing kidnapped female fighters. These humanitarian facades masked her real intent – financial gain through deceit.

Her most daring deception involved assuming the identity of ‘Duwaraka,’ claiming to be the offspring of Prabhakaran and Mathivathani, who are now hiding and needing financial aid. This claim represents the pinnacle of her elaborate scheme of falsehoods. In a twist to this saga, it has been revealed that a significant accomplice in the ‘Duwaraka drama’ shared a personal bond with her, indicating a deeper layer of collusion in these schemes. This relationship suggests a complex web of mutual deceit and manipulation.

Beyond exploiting romantic entanglements, her deceptive strategies reportedly extend to politically charged frauds, particularly capitalizing on the sensitive topic of the Eelam liberation struggle. In contrast to her involvement in other scams where she may have acted alone, in the case of the Duvaraga impersonation, she is believed to be part of a network of individuals who are masters at manipulation.

As per sources, authorities and affected individuals are diligently monitoring the evolving situation, keenly focused on unraveling the full scope and intricacies of the alleged impersonation and fraud. This vigilance is heightened by the acknowledgment of her association with a highly skilled group adept in such deceptive practices. The unfolding developments in this case are anticipated to shed further light on the magnitude and sophistication of the scam, emphasizing the critical need for awareness and caution in similar circumstances.

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