Revealing the Untold: Kuha Akka’s Daughter Speaks Out on Duwaraka’s Tragic EndRevealing the Untold:

The daughter of Captain Karan (Vaithilingam Manoharan) and Kuhaneswary has made a Facebook post that provides insights into the fate of Duwaraka. Captain Karan was one of the seventeen LTTE members who, in 1987, took their lives along with senior leaders Kumarappa and Pulendran.

Our Special Correspondent
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The daughter of Captain Karan (Vaithilingam Manoharan) and Kuhaneswary has made a Facebook post that provides insights into the fate of Duwaraka. Captain Karan was one of the seventeen LTTE members who, in 1987, took their lives along with senior leaders Kumarappa and Pulendran.

Karan’s brother, Colonel Shankar, who later married Karan’s widow Kuhaneswary in a union facilitated by the LTTE, was the architect of the organization’s air and naval divisions. Kuhaneswary was respectfully referred to within the LTTE circle as Kuha Akka (elder sister). She was a close friend of Mathivathani, Prabhakaran’s wife. Interestingly, within the LTTE, commanders and fighters humorously referred to both as the “kitchen cabinet.” Kuha Akka demonstrated her loyalty and commitment by refusing to leave the embattled Wanni and choosing to remain there instead. Being a close friend of Mathivathani Prabhakaran, Kuha reportedly promised to stay by the side of Prabhakaran’s son, Charles Anthony, until the very end. Kuha Akka, along with Charles Anthony, were reported dead after the fighting concluded. Both Captain Karan and Colonel Shankar were related to the LTTE leader Prabhakaran.

The ‘Jaffna Monitor’ has chosen not to disclose the name of Captain Karan’s daughter, also Colonel Shankar’s stepdaughter, citing concerns for her security and safety. Credible sources indicate that she attended school with Duwarka, where they developed a close friendship. Given security concerns, Duwarka was restricted in her social interactions, only allowed to mingle with a select few girls, among whom Karan’s daughter was included. This unique bond places her as a critical living witness to the final stages of the conflict that shaped their lives.

Her Facebook post has been widely shared, including by Raheem, a colorful figure in the LTTE’s history, who was the spokesperson for the LTTE’s regional commander in Jaffna, Kittu.

This is her post:

To those who keep asking if Duvaraga is gonna give the speech!

The real one is no more! I saw her dead body and her mother’s too! I spent a whole year in 2009 searching for the people. I am not going to share those images as I saw how my mother’s dead body pictures were morphed into pornographic images. Very elaborative images – some army men insert their guns into her body! Even my worst enemy should not go through (seeing) such horror images of their mothers.

I don’t speak about those images much, as those images still haunt me! I DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY to see another mother’s and sister’s images circulated similarly. Hence, I am against those images coming out. I know if their dead body pictures come out, people can’t misuse their names.

I don’t care how many families get fooled and give money. You all are 30+, and you should know Veluppillai Prabhakaran’s children would never start a movement because they know if they do, then the people in Vanni will get tortured. And they would never ask for money like this! Common sense!

Many called me selfish for saying that I can’t see their images being morphed into pornographic images over people getting fooled. Yes, I am selfish because it is my family. We don’t even hug or shake hands in Vanni, but I kiss her on her forehead whenever I see her. She is my baby sister and best friend. I will do everything in my capacity to not let those images come out!

And I am tired of saying they are no more. It is so painful, even after 14 years.

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