Tag: 15th June 2024

The Passing of Vinayagam, One of the Last Titans of LTTE Intelligence

Kathirgama Sekarapillai Vinayakamurthy, better known as Vinayagam, a leading figure in the…

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Common Tamil candidate is a useless poisonous experiment: M.A. Sumanthiran.

We must campaign among the people against the common Tamil candidate for…

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“Literature Cannot Replace Political Will and Good Governance” – Exclusive Interview with Writer V.V. Ganeshananthan”

V.V. "Sugi" Ganeshananthan, an American fiction writer, essayist, and journalist of Srilankan…

Thiyagi: Dancing on the Money, Literally

Controversy continues to surround Thiyakenthiran Vamadeva, commonly known as "Thiyagi," the owner…

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